
Open on

One of the Plume developers.


Gérald Niel 🤘 ☭ Ⓐ :bass:

Bassiste, ingé-son, newsmaster, pas informaticien (en théorie), autodidacte, cyclotouriste/sportif et "vélotafeur".
Au boulot, responsable du SI (logiciels).


#vélo #vélotaf #basse #FreeBSD #rock #metal #hardrock #RaspberryPi

Mrs Mouse :verified: :queer:

Hi, I'm Peri the Mouse! Welcome to the Self-hosted life.
Mom, wife, #infosec geek, Award-winning #locksport; Cryptology, System Adminimatrix, SR DevOps Engineer. Xennial. PK&AB, (א), Transgender. Transhumanist. Despite being a mouse, I'm not actually a furry.
Hᴉ' I,ɯ Ԁǝɹᴉ ʇɥǝ Wonsǝ¡

Manuel cortez

Python developer, , interested in reading, accessibility, astronomy, physics and science.

Sergey Bugaev

Olwë 🧙‍♀️

Cyberwitch ! 🧙‍♀️(Elle | She | Her)
Gauchiste du minitel 🖥

Là pour parler numérique, vélo, transidentité, politique, imaginaire, SF, et plein plein d'autre trucs !

Feel free to talk ! 👋
