War Translated WarTranslated@budmo.info
Skaffen37 @skaffen37@mastodon.online
ewahren.mastodon @ewahren@muenchen.social
Carlo00000000@mastodon.social @Carlo00000000@mastodon.social
one28ozcan @one28ozcan@mastodon.social
ObsolescentSapien @obsolescentsapien@mastodon.online
I’m on the move. Going in circles.
Uwe in NY @uweross@mastodon.online
Americanized German, Ex-Military, Engineer Forever, I love my Dog, I love History and I will Engage in Politics - Because its Needed!
Tora Busch @torabusch@mastodon.social
TheFanciestPeanut @TheFanciestPeanut@mastodon.social
svds @svds@mstdn.social
Janiset @Janiset@mastodon.world
Twitter refugee. Mostly here to follow day to day successes of the AFU.