Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



Coffee wanker, Linux user, Software Engineer

Harshad Sharma

Tends to soil, plants and various animals on a small farm somewhere in the hills of Kodaikanal, India.

No ideologies, handful labels. Friend to life in all shapes and forms.

Writes small software programs for hobby, trusts big technology less every day.

Expect photos, anecdotes and rants about living off-grid in middle of nowhere.


Pranay S. Yadav

Hello! I am a Linux/FOSS enthusiast, and I particularly enjoy stuff at the intersection of art, mathematics, computing and science. These overlap nicely in the realm of computational neuroscience, which I am currently studying for a PhD.


Apologies in advance for the dumb things I say. I lack the environment that tells me how stupid my ideas are before I put them out into the world
Canterbury NZ.

paloma kop ⁂

audiovisual media artist, spacetime explorer, human being

i sometimes post video art that may contain slight flashing/strobing imagery

i don't accept follow requests from accounts without a bio, website, or visible posts (so i can know a bit about who i'm connecting with)

posts auto-delete after a while


Hi, I'm Dave! I like art, books, writing, and programming computers.

My avatar is a watercolor painting of a rat with an eye patch, martini glass and a stiletto. He's sitting at a table with a book and some pieces of paper. He looks like a scoundrel but is actually totally nice.

The header image is a another watercolor entry from my sketchbook: It's a silly wizard doing some wizard stuff in a room filled with books and bottles. There is an owl behind him.


Lives in Aus.
Captures photos of nature.
Makes noise with guitars.
Writes software with bugs.
Cooks crepes with lemon & sugar.
Cares about climate action, human rights, digital privacy.


D&D, OSE, photography, running, coding

Chip Butty

Applied speculative social history of the future

Chris Wiegman

Engineering manager, teacher, aspiring writer and ex-pilot currently focused on #WordPress, #DevEx and #Humane and #Sustainable technology.

Jérôme Denis

electrical native - prof #sociology & #sts @ csi (mines paris) — 
Last book: Le soin des choses. Politiques de la maintenance
Interested in #maintenance #data #datalabor #city
scriptopolis is on Mastodon, too:

Aaron Brady

I'm just looking for one divine hammer