Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.





my experimental alt

he/him or they/them

i like programming in scheme, non-corporate online communities, and i think personal webpages and personal programming projects are both the past and the future


Husband & boyfriend to my love of 50+ yrs, Father, Brother, Programmer, EMT, Addiction Counselor, ICU RN, Nursing Qualty data wrangler, mystic "aweness" daily, avid reader, would be poet, kindness and care of all beings and things, dog dad, feeder of birds, rescuer of bugs found indoors, in awe of art and creativity.


#opensource, development of people and software, webdeveloper, #ict4d, linux, ubuntu, geek, travels, opendata, security, privacy, pgp, rapid response @greenhost started here in april 2017 as


Code Wrangler; Film Buff; Nerd²; 🖖🍃

Trap lightning in very flat sand.
Trick lightning into doing maths.


Assistant professor interested in creative coordination and sustainable software. Works at networked crossroads. This is a personal account - views &c. Post and visit infrequently.

Olly Smith

Software engineer, tinkerer, old car enthusiast.
Creator of

B Archer

#Disabled, I used to do tech support for small e-commerce sites, but I'm now working on learning Linux.

This account is especially for connecting with people #SecondLife where I facilitated a support group for #Bisexual and #Bi+ and #Mspec. I consider myself #Intersex due to #Hyperandrogenism from #PCOS and also #Bigender.

The picture in the header is of the Ammonoosuc. It's a rocky rapid winding through a forest with hills visible in the back.

I'm now in #Arizona and may toot about politics.


Lisper/Schemer, CAD software developer, Integrated Circuit metaprogrammer, dependent types enthousiast.

Programming should be more accessible. Electronic AF.

I post music stuff too, mostly Irish Trad, but not exclusively. And food, mostly Italian, but not exclusively. Marbh le tae agus marbh gan é: tea posting too.

English, Français, Deutsch. Un po d'italiano. Labhraím Gaeilge. He/him. France

Rémi Letot

Informaticien le jour, papa toujours, musicien à mes heures perdues, réinventeur du monde le reste du temps, le tout en aimant la nature. Pfiew.

Bryan Fink

🧠💭Oh! How does THAT work?

(Currently experimenting with a new account at @bryan)

Profile pic alt-text: Me (salt & pepper bearded man) wearing a grey jacket and a black stocking cap. I'm looking up at the camera. Snow covers the background behind me.

Header image alt-text: End view of a stack of rough-cut lumber. Some pieces are thicker than others. Some ends are painted red, while others are painted a dusty green.