Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.


Octodad Traveler

UX Designer by day. Bike enthusiast by night... and day too

I have strong opinions on internet privacy, deceptive UI patterns, and how to craft a sandwich.

Doole Giles

mind over matter


Hello! :)

Hobbies: #gameart, #gamedev, #programming & #manga, #larp
Languages: german, english, french & japanese (<- needs practice) , #python


Living in Germany, interested in #clojure, #softwarearchitecture, #agile, #emacs, #opensource, #nlp, #security and #privacy.

My German focussed account is @holger.


:blobfoxpat: foxxo?
:blobfoxceiling: lurker?
:blobfoxgooglyconfused: confused?
:blobfoxbox: knows some code?
:blobfoxfacereverse: knows some draw?

:blobfoxlurkaww: everybody welcome (but bigotry :blobfoxangry:)


Steve Genoud

learning new things, solving problems.


Graphics/multimedia researcher at Nokia. On my spare time I write code for fun.

Recently I've been focusing on various Smolnet projects like #Lagrange.

I started working on Doomsday Engine in 1999 and somehow that project is still ongoing, too (although on hiatus currently).

PGP public key fingerprint: 1567 4AE4 9866 7047 A3EB 9431 BACC FCFB 98DB 2EDC

Life is Tetris

pro-libre software, pro-holisticism
pro-communalism, anti-consumerism
fan of #Plan9 and #HaikuOS

I write software (C++) for a living.

#Emacs #Prolog #Erlang #SelfHosted

PresGas - RPG and Left Nerd

#folkdnd #RPG gamer interested in #OSRIC #DnD #1e #2e.

#FLOSS advocate and #sysadmin. Interested in horizontal organization, collaboration and biking.

Brett Sheffield (he/him)

#FOSS hacker. Founder of the #Librecast Project, working on improving #privacy and #decentralizing the Internet with #multicast.

Also, tractors. Has a language habit.

Sven Dowideit

I'm of the opinion that your software project deserves to be trivial to try out, and easy to use, customize, and extend.

I turn coffee into bad ideas and code.
Sometimes it's interesting.

I've been lucky enough to grow up on Ward's c2 wiki, spent a decade doing low-code #wiki systems with #TWiki and #Foswiki, then getting close to a decade doing #Docker related things.

I ride bikes, bake bread, indoor boulder sometimes, and generally have too much of myself bound up in computers.