Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.


Paul Goble :base:

Paul Goble, technical writer in the USA. I help scientists solve their most difficult measurement problems. I hope your day is better because we have met!

Dan Jacob

Software developer/professional Jira ticket puncher.

Originally British, naturalized Finn. Interested in #scifi #fantasy #movies #opensource #python #django #javascript #running #nature #art #podcasts #languages #history


Header pic: Pascal Blanche

H. Montgomery

UT Austin PhD, 2023. Still writing about sound, experimental music, and urban change in Austin, Texas. This is my home on, which I'm just checking out for a bit, particularly as a cross-posting tool.


Painter and artist; making music too sometimes. All the creative things but none too well. He/him.

Ewen Bell

Editorial photographer. Author, writer and mentor. Traveller and lover of the Arctic and Himalayas. Partner to Shellie Froudevaux.

Max Penet

Functional programming polyglot • #clojure#emacs#keyboards • #{wood|leather}working

Raphael Hemme

Creatively coding as a web developer - Going native as an anthropologist

Interested in among many other things:

#typescript - #javascript - #clojure #clojurescript - #reactiveprogramming - #functionalprogramming - #angular - #complexity - #lichen - #fungi - #mechanicalkeyboards




Over analytical, boring, weird, nerd with a hacker mindset. Mechanical Engineer turned Data 'Something'.

My opinions are my own and do not have anything to do with my current or past employers.

I love using Emacs and almost live in it.

More.. on my site.

Karl T.

I started using GNU #Emacs 18.24 in 1987 or so, at UC Berkeley on SunOS 3.2. I've never been a hardcore elisp hacker, but I have tinkered here and there. I have an abiding fondness for #OrgMode, and use it whenever I get the chance.

My machines these days run #Debian, #VoidLinux, #OpenBSD, and #FreeBSD. I do most of my "playful programming" on an ancient #ThinkPad T60.

Berkeley was also where I learned #TclTk, which I still use as my scripting language of choice.


Young inside, hopefully. Curious. Perl addict. In love with Wife and the city of Roma.