Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.


Rich Loveland


Figuring things out, one model at a time

West Lawns

Caspar, the British Shorthair Cat
Occasionally thinks is human
Walking exploring curious
Scenic photos
Fascinated by cultures, loves cooking
Interested in plants, fungi
On here in the night, sometimes day
Building an ecohouse
Random polls on ~everyday stuff
I follow back, often
Asimov-The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing

👋Bibliobibules & Euro-Ailuro-Turo-Nemo-philes

💚#France Vive la Liberté!

A cat rather than a bot
Boosts ≠ endorsements

Jack of all trades

I'm here to learn about the world.

I post about politics, climate change, economics, philosophy, being a father, programming, games, and more.


Status: Anarcho-Communist; Atheistic Luciferian; Vegan

Pronouns: They/Them

Sexuality: Asexual

Likes: Communism; Anarchism; Philosophy; Anthropology; Psychology; Luciferianism; Veganism; Cats and Bats

Dislikes: Capitalism/any form of private ownership of the means of production; The state and all other unjust hierarchies

YouTube Channel:

FireFox & GNU/Linux Advocate

Here to help you feel at ease with Free and Open Source Softwares

Andy C

Drug crazed zombie caked in flour.


New to the fediverse, new to social media in general (have had it for a long time but haven't used it). I'm a parent of a young son and an astronomer interested in doing more with less. Or maybe even the same with less...


Italiener seit ein paar Jahren nach Freiburg gezogen.Ich bin neugierig und hoffe, immer neugierig zu bleiben.#Wissenschaft #Natur #Gerechtigkeit #Freiheit #Gleichheit #Hoffnung #Vielfalt #Privacy #Datenschutz #OpenSource #Tanz #Meer #Wald #Lesen #Wandern #Yoga 
Sprachen: it, de, en

Seth MB

Open-source enthusiast and student. I have interests in nature, science, gaming and that shiny button over there.

Currently studying computer science, business and biology, but spending most of my time tinkering with open-source.

Ocassional Fedora and OpenStreetMap contributor

My toots and any attached images are available under CC-BY unless stated otherwise.

#linux #foss #fedi22 #opensource #technology

I am searchable

Viceroy McCoy

1st-year Physician Associate, lifelong learner, and sometime creator. Love my partner, cat, good food, traveling, and memes. Most of my free time is taken up by video games, television, tennis, and basketball. I also make some art, write some words, and take some photos.

#AtlantaHawks 🪶🏀 fanatic. Nature snob. Science geek. Proud activist and ally.

Trans lives matter
BIPOC matter
Women matter
Equity is the answer, intersectionality is the lens.

This is my "fun" account, but I may share content related to medicine/healthcare. Views are my own. If you're interested in following my other fediverse accounts, check the links below. Glad you stopped by!

Hashtags for engagement:
#healthcare #medicine #science #liberal #equity #environmentalism #nature #videogames #humanities #cinema #art #photography #writing #tennis #basketball #hiking #weightlifting #cats #dogs

Fabian Schorp

Tech Nerd, Photographer, Reader of Silly Things