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Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them


DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

Trying to break things that need breaking, deliberately and after much reflection, make things in a likewise manner, and generally reshape the various worlds I inhabit to be slightly more habitable.

I'm into music, retrocomputing, people, caring, and thinking about stuff.

I dislike capitalism, cryptocurrency, terfs, nazis, fascists, racists, & edgelords.

Been around a while.

Accidental maintainer of brutaldon.

Feel free to ask questions. I will not always answer.


A wyvern that does the code and maybe even other things. Patented procrastinating on my own projects. I guess I'm also a notable geminaut?

Expect: Furry crap, programming crap (primarily Ada & Common Lisp), and retro tech crap. Also some shitposts. Also angry rants.

Note: I rarely post or boost CW'd NSFW art

Avatar by @Hexephre

Creatrix Tiara

Third time lucky on Mastodon (formerly: and Got infamous for dealing with racial harassment on here but hoping to be known for more than that!

I got up to shenanigans, then got waylaid for most of 2022, and am now trying to get back into shenanigans. Creative producing, performance art, writing, video games, media-making, activism, community cultural development, advocacy, arts management ++

Queer, genderqueer, immigrant, disabled, neurodivergent, PoC


Husband. Freemason, and raging nerd, in that order. I chase bright shiny things! I build clouds for a living. Retrocomputing, programming, science fiction.

Occasional Game Developer. Software Engineer. Linux user. Coffee wanker.

Posts over 60 days old are purged

The Doctor

Living 20 minutes into the future. Eccentric weirdo. Virtual Adept. Time traveler. Burnout. Thelemite. Technomage. Hacker on main. APT 3319. BOFH. Not human. 30% software and implants. H+ - 0.4 on the Berram-7 scale. Furry adjacent. Pan/poly. Cyberpunk. Making the Net /<-r4d again. Sburb speedrunner. XKCD 705. Vax'd x4. Fuck cancer. Lil alurl velve zhah lil velkyn uss. Magneto was right.

If you're going to follow me, please fill out your profile.

(Avatar by Avery Liell-Kok.)



Post-anarchist egalitarian furry

Digital nomad, eternal wanderer

I have a deep knowledge of:
small and medium-scale batteries (handheld to ~10 kWh range)
Travel and small-medium scale logistics

I have an interest in:
Electric and hybrid-electric vehicles
custom mech keyboards
off-grid power systems


I'm @proto and this is a fallback account

kelbot ◖⎚∠⎚◗

Not actually a bot (I hope).

My gemini capsule and gemlog are here:


a familiar stranger

Powerbook 5300 🇨🇦

aka Sparc IPX and Conceited Jerk. 50 year-old Canadian. GURPS and Car Wars fan. I generally follow back if you're not a bigot. #nobot