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Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them



I'm a crusty old nerd who chases bright shiny things and loves playing with old computers :) Especially my Atari 800XL and Amiga.

I build castles in the cloud(s) for a living.

internet relay cat

autodidact abuse mitigant

theruran 🌐🏴

contents: cautionary cyberpunk aesthetic; boosting signal; not that spicy~

ask me about my PhD research.

currently in an abusive relationship with my computer. #noBot

seriously won't shut up about #Ada / #SPARK and #LISP

making progress in my own way.
don't hate; appreciate.

#systemsPraxis: #systemsThinking + #systemDynamics + #systemsEngineering #antifragility #formalMethods #mind and #nature
#retroComputing #OSdev #progLangDesign #fediScholar

Hairy Larry

Hairy Larry, musician, songwriter, producer, and promoter. He currently plays piano in a jazz sextet, Bebop Beatniks, and bass in a blues band, Delta Legends.


emacser, content writer, over-thinker
i like cooking as well
also i run (badly)

Mystery Babylon :pk_1: :sn_1:

Working on GOLDFIRE, a queer fantasy web serial, and RADIANT INVERSE, an interactive space opera novel.

interactive fiction games ⭐ indieweb ⭐ alt publishing ⭐ anime ⭐ portugal & scotland ⭐ OTP: WangXian

Please have a bio and some posts before follow-requesting. No bigots, no bots, no crypto. This account is all-ages, but my fiction is 18+.

On Mastodon since Sept. 2018
Toots lifespan: 2 months


generally confused

My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see

#NoBot #NoBots

Mystery Babylon

Black, Trans, & Refugee Lives Matter

🧿 Main Account 🧿

infosec n00b & queer SFF text-game writer
white / 40s / transmasculine
friend of Blahaj

"It is how we choose what we do, and how we approach it, that determines whether the sum of our days adds up to a formless blur, or to something resembling a work of art."
-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

You're welcome to follow-request or ask for CWs! Please DM first if you know me from off-Mastodon.

Masto arrival: Sept. 2018
Toots deleted: 1 month

The_Gibson :veilid:

Hacker, infosec, APT3319

Working on Veilid.

Reigning EFF Tech Trivia Champion

Mayor of

A meat serf in a digital cropsharing arrangement.

A netizen of New Cyberia.

he/him they/them

Boosts do not equal endorsement.



ishotjr ✨💙✨💗✨


⚠ If you want to follow, please interact first. Just say hello, really, whatever.

Content here is keyboards (I make em), 3d printing, tech shit (coding, sysadmin). And lots, lots of profanity and sarcasm.

I am certifiably crazy so expect mental health content.

21+ only

All content expires whenever I feel like it.

alice is not ergo.

endgame is a conspiracy.

#nobot #nobots #noarchive #noindex