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The official account for GoToSocial news, updates, release announcements, and so on!

GoToSocial is an open-source, ActivityPub compatible, federated social media server. It's easy to install, lightweight, and perfect for small servers 🦥

GoToSocial is still alpha software. Your support is appreciated as we fix bugs, add features, and move towards beta ❤️

This is not a support account! Support questions addressed to this account will go unanswered. For support please see the links below.

Header image is a beautiful pink flower against a background of green plants.

Avatar image is the GoToSocial sloth logo by Anna Abramek: a cartoony orange, grey, and white sloth smiling.



Cognitive scientist in the making, still finding my niche. Previously did Psychlinguistics-ish stuff, enjoy Social Psychology, act as if I would understand AI&ML. Programming Mimicry.
Currently Master student @ UniTrento and with Double Degree from Uni Osnabrück

Bikeless bikefanatic

My interest here are partially represented by the accounts I follow.

Michal Hrušecký

#opensource enthusiast living in Prague who likes to play with #SBC (#ARM and #RISCV), uses and contributes to #openSUSE :geeko: and currently works on #Turris :turris:. Apart from that #sysadmin loving #saltstack and C/C++ #programmer.

Additional hashtags for #fedi22 or #fedi23 and #tootfinder: #linux #foss #floss #opensource searchable tfr

Chris Ely

IT enthusiast. TV addict. A systems admin / tinkerer, who is also curious about development, network and security fields.

I created this account on leap day 2020, but I didn't use it nearly this much before Twitter was purchased.

#tfr #tootfinder

#GreenNuclearDeal🌿⚛️⚡🤝 @tcely

Backup account: @tcely


Software Engineer, Maker, Tiny House builder, Homesteader, artist, hiker, gamer. I have far too many interests to list them all!

#Maker #RaspberryPi #Hacking #Electronics #Coding #TinyHouse #Artist #Homesteading #Gardening #Gaming #Hiking #Cosplay #PropReplica #IndieWeb #Foss #3dPrinting #Linux #python #rust

Karl Ostendorf

Software Engineer. Work in big tech. #Golang #AWS

NefariousSocial :verified:

NefariousSocial is an Internet advertising and marketing company that provides non-consensual advertising targeting impressionable youth who have the highest risk of becoming a threat to themselves and to everyone around them.

Moved to

Nate :verified:

Markus Kuppe

Principal Research Software Engineer at Microsoft Research - Let TLA+ (in) RiSE @ MSFT

Paul Suijkerbuijk

🤖Open Data expert🤖working on data projects🤖driving force behind🤖Expert for the European Commission🤖Board member🤖Applied physics🤖

Kirby :agender_flag:​


Work In Progress, always.

Avatar by

Unlikely to approve follow requests. It's not you, it's me! (Especially if I have no idea who you are.)

I don't boost undescribed images.

I speak English and German, and can read a little bit of French.

:blobcat_mask:​ :blobcat_meltthumbsup:​


Die Daten müssen in eine Richtung fließen. Datenstrudel sind zu vermeiden.

I will ⭐ every 🐿️-content in my timeline.

Antifaschismus ist Liebe.