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The official account for GoToSocial news, updates, release announcements, and so on!

GoToSocial is an open-source, ActivityPub compatible, federated social media server. It's easy to install, lightweight, and perfect for small servers 🦥

GoToSocial is still alpha software. Your support is appreciated as we fix bugs, add features, and move towards beta ❤️

This is not a support account! Support questions addressed to this account will go unanswered. For support please see the links below.

Header image is a beautiful pink flower against a background of green plants.

Avatar image is the GoToSocial sloth logo by Anna Abramek: a cartoony orange, grey, and white sloth smiling.


le Morse

le Morse est un studio de conception web éthique...

- #Écoconception web
- #Accessibilité web et design inclusif
- Protection et promotion du droit à la vie privée
- Indépendance numérique
- #Communs numériques
- Logiciel libre
- Etc.


Ronaldo V. Lobato

Physicist and GNU/Linux enthusiast / Paraense de Igarapé-Miri, físico e entusiasta GNU/Linux / Il segreto della vita è questa non è un'esercitazione.

• Working with #gravitation, modified #gravity, compact #stars, nuclear #physics, machine #learning, data #science

#OpenScience, #linux, #FOSS, #Decentralization, #DistributedSystems, #GNU advocate

• Toots in EN, PT, IT, ES



I am but a humble code farmer. Work-wise, it's a bit dull. When I have the energy for non-work tech, it's probably in some obscure Lisp dialect, especially tinkering on/with, and occasionally contributing to, #fennel

My favorite covid-times pastime has been diving into weird/funky/experimental music from music scenes I haven't explored yet. If you recommend me an album, I'll give it a listen!

...I should probably fill this out properly at some point. I end up focusing on boring stuff when I have to write an intro like this. But hey, if you're still reading this, you made it to the end! Congrats!

Arne D. S. Haldorsen

Developer and documentary filmmaker. Interested in space and sustainability, among other things.

I don't always post, but when I do it's often in Norwegian.

#fedi22 #lillesand #agder

Tomas Ekeli

Singer of songs. Teller of tales. Lover of, well, *a woman*, a very nice one. Quaffer of beer. Bearded bard. Walking corner-case.

Miffed at the machine.

Michael P

Just another software developer


26 years old geek from Poland who loves reading SF novels and playing games.

Juan Luis

On a mission to accelerate the Solidarity Economy through technology ♻️

Product Manager and Developer Advocate by day, rants about bad UX in F/LOSS by night. In love with SciPy, PyData, and all things Python. Open knowledge, radical transparency. Trying to make a positive impact.


searchable #fedi22

Gisbert van Ginkel

Opleider van leraren / Teacher educator. Expect to toot about (teacher) education, research, teacher mentoring and induction. Also personal views on lots of things probably.

Xavi Francisco

Man in its early forties who happens to be an engineer. 🧑‍💻

I spend my days working as a web developer and managing other engineers. I love technology and I think we should make it accessible to every person. As it is said: “If it is inaccessible to the poor, it is neither radical nor revolutionary.”

My main interests besides technology go into science-fiction, role-playing games, physics, video-games and occultism from an anthropologic point of view.

I can play the guitar and the ukulele

alex :big_blobhaj_hug:

i'll be honest, i'm really bad with social media.

i'm #queer, #nonbinary :blobhaj_trans_pride_heart:, #ActuallyAutistic, and disabled. i live in scotland. i'm probably really tired.

follow requests welcome, but not likely to be accepted if your account is empty.
