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The official account for GoToSocial news, updates, release announcements, and so on!

GoToSocial is an open-source, ActivityPub compatible, federated social media server. It's easy to install, lightweight, and perfect for small servers 🦥

GoToSocial is still alpha software. Your support is appreciated as we fix bugs, add features, and move towards beta ❤️

This is not a support account! Support questions addressed to this account will go unanswered. For support please see the links below.

Header image is a beautiful pink flower against a background of green plants.

Avatar image is the GoToSocial sloth logo by Anna Abramek: a cartoony orange, grey, and white sloth smiling.


Liana :v_trans: :v_kirb:

she/her, and other things not worth mentioning here

Making Narrat, the narrative game engine.

Follow @narrat for Narrat updates!


I don’t mind stealing bread from the mouths of decadence.

Hilde Austlid

Stopp oljeletinga!

Jobber med åpne data. På fritida leser jeg science fiction, fantasy og romanse, og spiller brettspill og rollespill.



Just stop oil!

Works with open data.
For fun, I read SF, fantasy, and romance, and play board games and roleplaying games.


Lucy idk

#esperanto, #anarchy, philosophy, sociology, science, #biology, genderfluid, #tekno, wege in den postkapitalismus, polyamor, searching the perfect #messenger, #FLOSS (free libre open source software)


Etwas verloren unterwegs, dennoch von Zeit zu Zeit scharfen Sinnes.

Vor Kurzem eröffnet

Interessiert in
#programming #dev #admin #opensource #selfhosted #server #csharp #python

Inhji 🚲

Bike dude🚲, Programmer 🖥️, Lovecraft follower 🐙, Modular tinkerer 🎚️, Music addict 🎹, Dreamer ⛅, Child at heart ❤️, Depression survivor 🌧, Socially awkward 😶, Foodie 🍲, Gardener 🌼

Optimist by choice, cynist by necessity.

I think a lot about #decentralization, #sustainability, #mobility, #righttorepair, #privacy, #mentalhealth and how to be a better human.

> “You thought an information transfer protocol would solve social problems?”

> “The road to hell is paved with convenience”

geoma :ms_earth_americas:

Divulgador del Software Libre y la Ética Digital; V región Chile. Permacultura, geografía, música, historia, educación, filosofía, aikido, pixelart, surfskate, montañismo, trekking, flora nativa y libros.

Diseño predios y casas. Arreglo computadores. Educo sobre ética digital, música, historia y geografía, y permacultura, construcción sustentable, energía renovable, diseño de predios y vida en el campo.

para ÉTICA DIGITAL CHILE > @eticadigital


Jimi recovery mode

Hopeful realist. Sobrevivente. Mengo :flamengo:. Technology. Música. Política. Sometimes chess, games and anime.

Prefeito da cidade em chamas 🔥

aka Graciano

Doug McKown

Freelance web designer, word nerd, walkability and transit advocate, privacy enthusiast #NetNeutrality #webflow #NoCode #GratefulDead #GetVaccinated


#IT, #Datenschutz, #Astronomie und #Wetter. Eine vollkommen logische Wortkette ;-)

Ach ja und natürlich #Trance 😁 und der #BVB


handcrafted websites since 1992, product at, leaps tall buildings given a running start, he/they, HAVE UKE WILL TRAVEL

@xian (blog)
@xian (music videos)
@mediajunkie (photos)
@xian (sandbox)
@xian (friends)
@xian (here)

#product #UX #GovTech #CivicTech #ServiceInnovation #InformationArchitecture #ukulele and online #community


Software developer here to talk about tech, especially the future of federated social networking.

(Ridiculous pic is from when I needed a sample image for a test and maxed out my artistic skills.)