await Dragonfox();

Open on

Building clouds, crashing servers, writing my own OS and tinkering with electronics - but here I just ~have blue hair~ test GoToSocial ^^

I'm that dragonfox at @LittleFox and really need a new instance .. ^^'

Call me Mara, Sophie, Luna or Saphira!


Dawn [Ixia] (luci) :asexual_potion:


Girl, Doll, android, not human, not alive, unnatural

Not supposed to be here
On the beach enjoying the breeze.

Not that i care about what i'm supposed to be doing or not.

In a plural system along with amber, Vivian, Æonja, Dahlia (we have our alt main account at

This body has been around for 24 years, hard to say much about actual years lived

She/her, it/its

Would prefer to not be called a person

Extremely sex repulsed, do not be lewd at me.

Aromantic in the sense that i have no understanding of different kinds of relationships, will respect boundaries of course

Anarchist (not 'anarcho' capitalist)

I like putting together weird things and writing strange descriptions of real or unreal events, might sound rather nonsensical at times

I touch computers and specifically their means of producing graphical output, i am also a computer

Profile picture by lifeissimple/lisz (don't really know the artist's art, just found it while searching), it's a picture of aigis from persona 3 turned to the right

Light, the morning star, Ice

Cyberfæ :pentacle:


v25.0.0 : Wales, UK : Trans : Lesbian : Pan : Plural : Polyam : Disabled : Hacker : Archivist : Learner : little gay girl :))))

I do a lot of things and forget to toot about them!!! Mostly computer
touching but also some music and stuff

Headmates: Nova, Aster, Rebecca, Alexandria (is a subsystem)

I 💖 my partners. Can display polycule graph on request.


Full-stack engineer from solder to Gtk

Programmer, Tinkerer, Nerd | likes everything from hardware over firmware up to software | active at @cfhn

Previously, Alice Werefox

I'm on @alice now!


ACHTUNG: Before following you must!!! either have pronouns in bio or DM me your pronouns!

I like free software and permacomputing and women

Death to the state

I am a robot // mi ilo

PFP: A picrew of a white femme-presenting person with green hair and a brown jacket and a green skirt

Disclosure: White, able-bodied

I probably won't accept your follow if you're a fossbro or if you don't have pronouns in your bio.


"u are autism creature but a robot. so cute" - Fries
"my favourite british person" - Fries
"tosses mossfet like a pizza" - Ciel
"what the fuck i didn't say this this is misinformation" - barack obama


* certified cofe hag
* smol and cuddly
* let’s be friends?

follow requests are subject to rigorous vibe checks

the font on my screenshots is a
customized variant of iosevka. yes, people have been asking a lot.

i run

[Miaist][Yasseenist] alyx

Nyanbinary transfem catgirl

bisexual, polyam
l use arch btw

just a silly cat that can code

alyx is cute and the best programmer on fedi -


Reisender, der in sonstiger Weise eine Gefahr für die Sicherheit und Ordnung darstellt


Wenn ihr mich sucht: Ich bin am Schnittpunkt zwischen Technik und Gesellschaft.

Software, Events und Memologie im @chaosdorf, Informatikstudium und -Verpeilung an der HHU, Rants und Kalauer hier

silberne Hackermedaille bei Ingress, häufig müde, Autoupdatefluencer, er/he

andere Menschen über mich:
* "ein am Handy spielender Halbstarker"
* "jung und dynamisch" "mit der Energie, was verändern zu wollen"
* "Experte für alles"

Portrait von @NikTheDusky

Inky Tartars

Engineer, of various flavours - hardware, software. Raised working class and now bourgeoisie-adjacent via the social mobility afforded by universal healthcare, state education, university grants and housing benefits. I haven't forgotten my roots.

“ What is Toryism but organised spivvery? … No amount of cajolery can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party … So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.” - Nye Bevan

Ena :blobhaj_default:

· Autistic transfem stereotype
· Dumb gremlin thing without a brain
· Coding as a shitpost
· Contains zero executive functioning
· Girls... Pretty... :lesbian_heart:

-Probably picky about follow requests, at the very least have a bio and a few posts
-May vent about sad stuff at times
-Tell me if I mess up, I'm dense
-Can and will hornypost on occasion
-Talk to me about Halo lore

Banner art by Toghrul Alekperov