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You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.



Skim before following: It describes how I accept follow requests, block people, etc.

Interested in #Accessibility, #Privacy, #Security (in that order).

tech-stuff: check my "uses" page:
Other tech interests in no particular order: linked data, the #IndieWeb, the #Gemini protocol (more into the community than the technology).

Politics: Leftist.

Neuro-atypicality: I have #anxiety and #ADHD, and deal with #OverStimulation.

Testimonials, definitely not taken out of context:

"having seridy in a T0 list, any T0 list just isnt a good look IMO." —Former Secretary General of NATO
"he does not touch grass he just complains about shit no one cares" —someone who actually read my site :heart_big_eye:
"annoying Belgian" —wait there are other kinds of Belgians? TIL.
"you use pleroma? suspended" —Akko, a character from the anime franchise "Little Witch Academia".
"he doesn't have zero pussy." —C.C., from "Code Geass"..
"a fucking fed" —a regular fed.
"its always fucking sierdy" —Winner of the 2023 Fedi Spelling Bee.
"a trashbag sub-scum piece of filth" —The Junkman, a nemesis of Jimmy Neutron.

Hashtags for #fedi22 searchability: #shitposting #poggies #LinkedData #SemanticWeb #panro #a11y #InclusiveDesign #ScreenReader #SearchEngines #anime #webdev #blogging #linux #Fedora #Sway #zsh #IndianAmerican

[Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:AC6AF1F838DF3DCC2E47A6CF1E892DB2A5F84479]

kimothy siddon :verified:

lesbian, trans, non-binary woman, she / her, white

backend engineer, #gotosocial dev, hacker

write mostly Go and sh. honorable mentions: Rust, PHP, Python

my code is mid, my posts are mid, my life is mid

somewhere between an anarchist and a communist

the only valid intolerance, is intolerance of intolerance. and milk

i love my (stinky) wife @goat


Merlin Star

Hi, my name is Merlin Star and I am a nonbinary autistic aroace being. I have a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a master's in quantitative psychology. Joined Mastodon Oct. 28th, 2022.

Physical Description: I am a Black person with brown hair. My face is neutral and I am wearing glasses. My hair is a mini afro and the background behind me is white.

#NoBot, OK to boost/star, most posts deleted 1 month after posting

Pronouns: Any

Bruno Miguel

In July 2020, I started feeling constant, acute pain and was later diagnosed with #fibromyalgia. I've been in pain 24/7 since it started.

#photography is a passion of mine. I'm an amateur, but I can't stop shooting pictures.

I'll be tooting in pt-PT and en-US/en-GB.

#FOSS ftw! #Privacy ftw! ✌️

Antonio Prado

Passionately curious, active in #IT since 1993. Opensource enthusiast and #IPv6 early adopter, currently I am the Chief Technology Officer at AS59715, a local government body in Italy. Former #MANRS ambassador and MANRS Steering Committee member, I recently co-authored the book "#BGP, from theory to practice", already available in Italian, to be published in English by 2023 Q4. #fedi22 #Internet #DNS #routing #RPKI #RIPE #ISOC #BSD #LINUX


Je disais que Twitter était un réseau social d'extrême-droite avant que ce soit cool.

Étudiante en sociologie, blogueuse sur ( et (

Linuxienne, admin sys autodidacte, et syndicaliste (Solidaires Étudiant·es Lyon).

Eric Maugendre

Community organising, Mastodon meta, searchable governance, #networkPolitics.
I am a data scientist (he/him).
This account is a tribute to Mary P. Follett:

Alexander (Sasha) Wait Zaranek

#Arvados founder; Harvard Personal Genome Project (PGP) and #Curii co-founder.

Boosts welcome on all posts (unlisted / followers-only included.)

Photo: closeup of me wearing p100 mask which covers most of my face; wearing scarf, glasses are dark, messy red hair and earrings.

Banner: Blue Sea Lake, Quebec, Canada.

#AI #BigData #Genomics #FreeKnowledge #FreedomToTinker #RightToRepair #FOSS #OpenScience #QuantumInformation #Aphantasia #Vegan #Fedi22

Dmitri | 🇺🇦

Engineer and decentralized standards rabble-rouser. Open Data and Library Socialism activist, sailor, gamer, reader. 0.5th gen immigrant (born in Ukraine, living in US currently). Feminist. Love people, dogs, other animals, books, the sea, & anticapitalist software. Summat' queer and neuro-slightly-off. Would prolly like you if we met.
(he/him) #nobot

autistic and managing (barely)

late-dx autistic; moderately successful professional slowly succumbing to burnout while trying really hard not to; tired; white, male, cis-by-default



Programming languages aficionado, occasional runner, quantified-self enthusiast, and fervent napper. Works as senior software engineer at Google.


Please speak your native language to me! I love all languages, even if I have to translate! 🥰

I am an adult, US-based #socialist. I speak English, et je peux parler #français aussi.

Solidarity with the world!! 🌎🌍🌏💞

Profile pic description: A moon, like Jupiter's Callisto, but glitched to look like it is melting at the bottom.

Banner pic description: James Webb's Telescope's picture of Messier 74, AKA the Phantom Galaxy.