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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Personal blog:


fanta ☑️

Me gusta comer pan y el software libre

Escribo de vez en cuando en y hago el lumpen digital en los sábados a las 12 de la mañana

Guillem Leon

22, he/they, #Spain by birth but currently studying in #England, #Classical #Piano student at Royal Academy of Music, #blind, hobbyist #Composer but if anyone from my conservatory asks shhhhh. Also do some occasional #Gaming and #Programming, nerd out over #languages, and tinker with as much #Retro #Tech I can get my hands on. Definitely should be #Reading more #Books. #Tea ftw. #Accessibility #A11y is important.

Devin Prater

I'm a person who is blind, who enjoys eating, relaxing. reading, learning about Linux from the safety of other operating systems, and chatting. As I do talk about kinks that I have, this account should be considered NSFW. You are definitely not required to follow me, and if you do not, or choose to unfollow, I will not mind.

Ana :heart_bi:

26 | Translator and English teacher | lgt(b)

ES | EN | DE (toots mostly in Spanish)

Retazo Magazine

Posts en español / Posts in English

literature, movies, TV, coffee, ML, programming, horror

NOT a magazine!

I try not to boost posts without alt text.

𐪅𐪀𐪈 𐪑𐪁𐪉

The last 500 years were the exception not the rule
#Arab #Polytheist #Hellenist
Working on translating the Homeric and Orphic hymns to Arabic 
Absolutely no TERFs
Absolutely #nobots #nobot

Michael Spellacy (Spell)

Spell is a web developer, designer and accessibility specialist living in beautiful Allentown, PA. Views own.

David P A

Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo

Martha Foulds

Final-year undergrad, The West Wing fan and blind woman. Likes: public transport, tactile graphics and fizzy drinks.

Calamity Caitlin

Twitter expat. Made of love & enthusiasm. Soft by choice. MY OTP is you & your ship. She/Her #SqueeAF #WaywardAF #WritingCommunity #Queer, #Pan, #MarriedAMan

I love #Supernatural, & all SPN fans who can stand the terms of service are invited to my instance.

I have a master's in #ComputerScience, but I mostly shill my #art & #SPN plaids during the day, & write erotic fiction at night. I'm decent at it. Gonna publish more than that one original novella aaany minute now. 😂😂😂


they/them Feel free to ping
🟢 Pony 🟠 Cat
🟡 Changeling

Andre Louis

Musician, composer, husband, father, keyboard player, youtuber, teacher.
Lover of food and technology, Mac/Windows/iOS/Android.

I moved away from another instance to somewhere warmer and more comfortable.