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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Personal blog:


👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

Call me Kate. Living with kidney disease, and on the transplant list. Almost totally blind, I'm here for Muppets, Star Trek, cartoons, fanfiction and friends. I also am finding I spend a lot of time talking about the need for alt text. Please use it.

exTralfamadoriano neoPozuelen

Hay otros mundos pero están en este.


Francisco Fuentes

Soy una persona interesada en el desarrollo de software, la accesibilidad y la filosofía

George Penney

I'm a queer/bi comic crime/SFF author (under the name George Penney) and I'm also a best-selling Rom Com writer (under Evie Snow) and a PhD escapee.

I have two podcasts called Bohemiana and My Favourite Monster.

I also travel continuously and house sit around the world because I can, and I'm a cultural omnivore who is interested in everything all at once.

I GM 2-5 shot DnD 5e games that are fun, silly and set in my OverLondon universe.

I like tea and cats, not necessarily in that order.

Óscar Gorri

Aprendiz de todo y sabio de nada.
Cuanto más alto me pongan el listón más fácilmente pasaré por debajo.


legally blind,mild hearing loss,Christian,INFJ,synesthete,public radio nerd,newsie,MVPSer,radio amateur,Latinist by training,air/space/wx geek, non-techie #PolishPride

Low Quality Facts

Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.

Preston Maness ☭

Free Software fan (love #linux). Spent 20 years in Austin, TX #atx #austin. Now in Fort Worth #FortWorth #Benbrook. BSEE from #TXST, 2014. Currently ((2^5)+1) years old.

Things I used to do:

1. day-job slinging #dotnet core back-end code
2. graveyard shift at #amazon warehouse (DAU1)
3. #DoorDash to make ends meet (the ends did not, in fact, meet)
4. Doordash to pay for my #AppalachianTrail thru-hike in April 2023
5. Postponing the hike to deal with #ChronicIllness (#pancreatitis)

Right now? I'm just trying to survive.

I'm a revolutionary #MarxistLeninist, #diabetic, #diabetes, #MarxismLeninism, #Marxism #Communism #Socialism

🇺🇸 Eng (native) 🇲🇽 Esp (A2/B1)

PeerTube: @aspensmonster

Lemmy: @aspensmonster

Bookwyrm: @aspensmonster

painter / coder / poet
#atacama microsite at

Eric Brandom

Intellectual history, especially of modern France. Teaching Caribbean history as well as Digital Games & History. Associate editor of *Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains*. Book in progress on Georges Sorel & the Third Republic. searchable

Recent writing: "Against the Hierarchy of Knowledge: Georges Sorel, Education, and Revolution" in *French History*: