Rafael Caricio rafaelcaricio@nullpointer.social

Open on nullpointer.social

I write software for food and enjoyment.

I post here about #RustLang, #Python, #Programming, #GStreamer, #OpenSource, #Technology, #FOSS, #MechanicalKeyboards, #Dogs, #WebDev, #eBikes. But also all and everything I find interesting enough to share! Born and raised in Brazil and now immigrant in the Netherlands.

This profile is listed on #fedi22, feel free to follow!




Magess :heart_ace: @Magess@fandom.ink

She/her, ace. Fan of #TheSandman, #OFMD, #OuterRange, #UrbanFantasy, #StarWars, #MassEffect, #mcu, #TheWitcher, always #SPN. Terrier owner. Amateur herbalist. Sometimes found #writing. Working on #Gàidhlig in Duolingo. #fedi22

Érico Andrei 🇧🇷 :plone: @ericof@pynews.com.br

🧑 Ele/dele
Empreendedor, evangelista de software livre, Juventino.
:python: Fellow da @ThePSF,
:plone: Ex-Presidente da @plone Foundation.
Posts aqui são primariamente em #pt-br, e representam apenas minhas opiniões.🖖🏻

Joshua Barretto @jsbarretto@social.coop

Interested in Rust 🦀, trains & sustainable urbanism 🚇, politics of the left 🌹, gardening 🌻, type systems & language dev 🪄, energy policy 🔌, gamedev 🕹️, ecology 🌱. Born at 364 ppm 🌍.

The future is not synthesised in Silicon Valley, it is forged by us all ✊

Miguel Angel Corral @CorralPeltzer@fosstodon.org

Florian Hockmann @FlorianHockmann@mastodon.online

Software engineer at G DATA CyberDefense, interested in graph technology, working on Apache TinkerPop & JanusGraph

Chapelão :Ryyca: @chaps@ursal.zone

Engenheiro de Computação, comunista Marxista-Leninista, bissexual e pai de 2 gatos (Honhon e Lady).

Leiam Lenin :lenin:

Blooper @Blooper@fosstodon.org

Brian Jackson @brian@graphics.social

Views are my own, but I talk about my day job at Industrial Light & Magic sometimes: #StarWarsTales, #VaderImmortal & #TheMandalorian.
Ended up in my best timeline. Ally

Admin for https://graphics.social

And while I run an instance around #graphics, I’ll also talk about things I love like #film, #homeautomation and #selfhosted services, #woodworking, #bbq, and #devops.

Cmdr @jaxzin on #EliteDangerous

Ariel Richtman @arichtman@eigenmagic.net

Cloud and platform engineering nerd.

Will mosh aggressively to 56k modem sounds.

#PlatformEngineering #DevOps #Cloud #AWS #Rust #Python #CICD #SoftwareEngineering #Nix #IaC #Linux

Thiago Arrais @thiagoarrais@hachyderm.io

Professional amateur. Experienced n00b. Programming tinkerer. He/him. Toots in en and pt-br

Charles Vicle @clavicle@teh.entar.net

arapacis @arapacis@mastodon.com.br

do what you want cause a pirate is free