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I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its


Beccanalia (For now)

Defend democracy. Fight fascism. | Slava UKR! Free Palestine. Love Trans People. | CV19 kills: Get Vaxxed. Ventilate rooms. | Algonquian Patawomeck Land

Information Architect and Strategist | Data becomes information only within a context. All information is vulnerable to distortion. Defend meaning with strong context.

Ron K Jeffries social

Love ideas. A curious person. Working on becoming a better person, but not with much success. Wannabe writer. #fedi22 #ai #photo

Amanda Foley

CAMHS nurse & Systemic practitioner. Former EY teacher. Passionate about mental health and wellbeing of children & YP. Views mine. She/Her. Not cool, just kind.

maeve 🏳️‍⚧️

Vaguely ace trans woman. Programmer. Hated by computers.

Kaj Bostrom

NLP geek getting a PhD at @utcompsci. I like generative modeling and procedural art


Neither jolly, nor English

My brain runs fast, but my attention span is a little faulty. Home is wherever there's water deep enough to swim in.

Interested in everything, but particularly:

#languages, #history, #politics, #travel, #maps, #photography, #nature, #films (#movies), #pratchett & #gaiman

mel :therian: :verified:

20 y/o software developer and experimental musician... who is also a coyote :ms_coyote:

Also an admin at, trying my best to be a good one :D

M. Verdone

I make music when I can. I own too many synthesizers. I program C++ for money, but it's usually reasonably fun.

he/him or they/them, as you prefer.

pixels, polygons and memory management galore!

Comrade Rose X

Dirty Commie EGirl

Petey P. Twelve

Professional nerd and geeky dad. Into music and old computers.


36 y/o nonbinary trans woman. recovering burnout, beginner artist. bi lesbian dirtbag