goto: blackle

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I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its



transgendered, parent, part-time activist
techie, sysop, translator, poet
lives in Sweden
married, non-monogamous

Will approve most follow requests, as long as there's something on your profile that gives me a feel of who you are.


Digitalpolitik @ Bundestag 🤖| Internationales 🌍| Sozialdemokratin 🌹| StVO Ultra 🚴🏻‍♀️

Ludwig Behm

IT Sec, C++ dev, full stack nerd, DE "Systemintegrator" (I'll tell you what doesn't want to work together)
Likes to cycle, hike, climb.
Vorstandsmitglied des Hackspace Jena e.V.

Michael Pratt

Hacking on the #golang runtime and gVisor. He/him. 🏳️‍🌈

Fibonacci Reminder

[male] [cisgender] [white] [US] [Chicago] [en] [singlet] [autistic] [polyamorous] [highly amorous] [bisexual] [biromantic] [feedist]

Lacking in physical or spiritual refinement, innervated by a fear of isolation.


Interested in Haskell, Nix, anarchism, labor rights, queer liberation, mathematics, video games, and TV shows.


Pip! I'm a mouse! I'm also plural! Sometimes I take over @amber's account >:3c

I use neopronouns!

Perfectly Spherical Trixe

honse whomst makes boomer shooters in spare time. on a journey to become completely unmarketable. cyberpunk is real, but only the shitty parts.


Cyborg Medusa

Big cringe energy | Team Biji Biji | she/her | 💪🏾 ❤️💛💚بژی بەرگریی کوردستان


Programer socks? style
Gender? goals
Keyboard? dreaming
Pronouns? any/yours 😉

I have a penchant for accidentally vaporizing my instance 😭

(Header image desc: faded digital artwork of an eclectic collection of clockwork gears)


I develop software with Haskell and Nix, and I'm interested in anarchism, labor rights, queer liberation, piracy, mathematics, state dismantling, neurodiversity, video games, and TV shows.


sysadmin by day, event tech at night. enjoys playing with audio/video/lighting and electronics.

No relation to the Hadron cannon you can see on the moon for one week every month.

Feel free to send a follow request!

Eventphone/EPVPN: 6440 [NHG0]

:nb_flag: :transgender_flag: :pan_flag: