The Kyiv Independent [unofficial]
Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine
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Big Bad Bass
Husband, father, bagpipe band bass drummer, Freiburger Münster and Gänseliesel admirer, mighty fine lawyer.
Mark Gessner
AC Chapa
Retired tv news photographer
Army Intelligence, Berlin Brigade
At war with Russians since 1976
Lyle Beaman
Photographer, father, cook, passionate. Fine Art, Living Heritage & love a good concept.
Always Cream first, then Jam.
Nancy Kelman
Peter Binkley
a digital scholarship technologies librarian, interested in stuff like IIIF and minimal computing, also pre-digital history of similar stuff like microfilm and file cards. In Canada.
⚒️ Dig where you stand. ⚒️
#DigitalHumanities #IIIF #libraries #microfilm #RetroTechnology
Catharine Burki
Johnny Bombolini
Janus Faber 🇫🇷🇪🇺🇺🇳
Humaniste introverti, apartisan pas apolitique, centralien, psychosociologue, diplo… Expert en (presque) rien mais initié en (presque) tout, je #Pouette pendant que #MonMari cuisine.
Ce compte est consacré à la #Politique (🇫🇷,🇪🇺,…), la #Géopolitique (🇺🇸,🇨🇳,🇺🇳,…) et les #Conflits (🇺🇦|🇷🇺,…).
Les sciences et techs de la matière, c'est là : @janus
Les sciences humaines et sociales, les arts, l'humour et les humanités, là : @janus
Le reste, là : @janus