The Kyiv Independent [unofficial]
Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine
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Roelf Renkema
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Il Gufo :verified:
Sono solito esprimere il mio pensiero o una mia riflessione su vari argomenti dalla politica all' attualità
Former biochemist but escaped from the lab! Now an interdisciplinary social scientist.
Political account - on Birdsite this overtook things somewhat so I've separated it out. (So please don't take offence if I follow you on only one account! It's a judgement on content type, not quality.)
C Guerreiro
Kyrre Sjøbæk
Dad, scientist, computer geek, hobby photographer. Creating things is fun.
Sometimes I make charged particles go *whee*!
Here for all things #sapphic and #wlw, especially TV, movies, books, and fics. Reader of news. Watcher of baseball. Eater of chocolate. She/her.
Thom Holwerda managing editor. Dutchman living in Sweden. Dumb fuck.
You can support OSNews and my work through our Patreon (, Ko-Fi (, and now also our merch store (
Trans rights are human rights. He/him.
Rasmus Olsen
Gianluca Colani
Teacher - loving Poland from Hel to Chełm and from Słubice to Śnieżka. Always looking for the truth - knowing that it's very hard to find.