
Open on

I prefer using algorithms for work, not for living.
Old member at *GNU Social. Current admin, a GoToSocial instance.

#Anthropologist #Nurse #Neuroscientist
#DataScientist and #SelfproclaimedProgrammer runs free...


John W. Little

Tracking disinfo, intelligence, diplomacy, tech, extremism and anything else that is dangerous. Host of the Covert Contact podcast. Opinions expressed are mine alone.

#natsec, #nationalsecurity, #intelligence, #counterintelligence, #geopolitics, #tech, #technology, #extremism, #disinformation, #misinformation, #propaganda, #informationoperations, #osint, #podcasting, #tech, #AI, #infosec, #security

#music, #korean, #한국어, #travel, #craftbeer, #whisky, #zen, #hiking, #writing, #fedi22

Neil Brown

Toot lawyer (Internet, telecoms, and tech lawyer, at English law firm

Fellow of the Society for Computers and Law.

Linux / FOSS. Networks. Necromunda. Bicycles.

Puns. Terrible puns.


Most posts delete automatically after one week.



#NoQuote (please don't quote my posts; boost, or reply to the thread!)


Punkrock History

Pictures, facts, memories and emotions from an irrepressible, sweeping, wild, exciting time of the 70s and 80s.

Caroline 🌈🌊🌍

Swedish. Mother. Wife. Autistic. Nerd. Geek.

Works in tech. Toots in Swedish & English.

Interested in politics, history, diplomacy, conflicts, science, health care, tech, computers, eCommerce etc.

#StandWithUkraine #tech #autism #adhd #mentalhealth

Malou :verified:


CPIPR highlights research on demography, population health, & reproductive health from NICHD-funded Population Dynamics Research Centers.
Managed by PRB.

We post about (in no particular order) #Demography #Sociology #SocialScience #Research #Data #Health #HealthEquity #HealthDisparities #PublicHealth #Healthcare #MedMastodon #Gender #Family #Children #Youth #Epidemiology #Maternal #Fertility #FPRH #Mortality #Inequality #SDOH #NICHDimpact


Retired man. Enjoying life to the fullest and especially my friends. I do no cyber coin nor wish to hook up, those games are behind me. No room for hate and I include all as the tapestry of humankind. A weary warrior for peace and a livable world. PhD Geo Physics. I use the Kbuntu flavor of Linux.
Update: New Computer new O/S Now using Ubuntu 22.04. Humor and Empathy
Pronouns: he/him


The Swedish Digital Freedoms and Rights Association • Föreningen för digitala fri- och rättigheter • A Swedish non-profit and non-party organisation working for digital freedoms and digital rights • #dfri


Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS) is the flagship open access journal of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Since its establishment in 2014, ESTS has become recognized as one of the premiere scholarly publications in STS internationally, constituting one of the most visible and increasingly important ways that 4S contributes to the STS community.

Transnational | Experimental | Pedagogy | Publishing Infrastructure
Multimodal | Research Data | Longform | Shortform

Rachel Douglas-Jones

Anthropologist | STS | Associate Prof at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Head of Technologies in Practice and PI of Moving Data, Moving People

Anna Gustafsson

Journalist på DN, granskar sjukvården och skriver om sjukvårdspolitik.

Hy Vyb

A guitarist for decades, but just starting out in my Electronic Music Production Journey.

Feel free to join me as I learn. I'll post new tracks, blogs, and my general experiences as a novice producer, plus of course the music that I love and has influenced me

#Musician #Guitarist #Producer #Music #Musodon #ElectronicMusicProduction