Kaja - Her Current Situation

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive


Dear Reader of this site / capsule,

Kaja has been taken very ill over the past few days with some serious issues.

Her condition severely degraded this morning and she was brought to an animal hospital this evening.

The vet isn’t giving her good odds and the hospital has her under serious treatment.

Nothing about 2022 is great right now.

Not only is this an emotional roller coaster, but while this is all happening there is no end of people shoving invoices and estimates for care in my face to sign.

If you’d be willing to throw some coin in her direction to help with the costs of her treatment I’d be forever thankful. Right now it’s been about 2.200€ and I’ve squeezed my credit card to the limit.

If you can help financially (any amount - nothing is too low) these sites can process card payments :

=> https://liberapay.com/ohmg/donate Liberapay => https://bunq.me/GodSaveQueenKaja bunq.me (incl iDEAL)

Alternatively for direct deposit in EURO (all other currencies will be rejected by the bank) to the account dedicated to her costs

  • IBAN : FR7627633121290101021654570

If you can support in writing you can pop an email to letters-to-kaja.feb2022@oh.mg (the email address will be switched off at some point in the future because of spam bots).

I’ll probably post an update over the next few days on her condition here :

=> /redacted/ My Journal

I’m hoping that I’ll have my angry little fur ball back in good health soon, because no matter what the odds Kaja is pretty determined.

=> /homepage-temp/ Continue to OH.MG

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