22 22@octodon.social

Open on octodon.social

Programming/finance ape. Made in Asia, transplanted to the California Bay Area (via NYC, DC, Midwest, …). Lover of megacities 💎🌆 and parfaits 🌸🍧. 日本語勉強中

Profile photo is Sun Wukong the Monkey King rendered by @monarobot in her Classic Maya style: a furry brown-and-pink face with red eyes and a gold headband, with its tongue sticking out.

Banner image is a texture-shaded topobathymetry (see https://fasiha.github.io/post/texshade) of the Marin County Headlands, and shows the spine of a mountain range crashing into San Francisco Bay.

I turn off fave/boost notifications—huge quality of life improvement!, but it makes me chatty? sorry!—and use https://phanpy.social so expect lots of quote-toots.

Feel free to tag my alt: @22
