Elizafox :theta-delta: Elizafox@social.naln1.ca

Open on social.naln1.ca
ed is the standard text editor.


Pronounced /əˈlaɪzə.fɒks/. My name is always first letter capitalised, the rest lowercase. I will not budge on this. Call me Eliza or Elizabeth if you don't know me. Some people might call me Elly. I'll let you know if you can do that too.

ΘΔ&. '91 vintage. Dwamish land (Seattle). Leftist. Queer. Ambivert. Neurospicy in a variety of ways. I do a lot of stuff in tech but I am not a tech bro and I come from a working-class family. All in all, just doing the best I can.

All followers welcome as long as you aren't a Nazi, MAGA, racist, or something like that. Just don't be a piece of shit and we can be friends.

You don't owe me a second chance if you don't like me, but it would be appreciated. I've changed a lot, I like to think.

See pronouns.page link in metadata for more about me. Other profiles are non-normative.

Active projects I work on:
- Creator of z6a.info — making your URL's shady since 2022
- Admin and operator of fediverse.date — a dating-oriented shitpost Fediverse instance

Cautiously interested in dating right now. Flirting only acceptable if I know you.

Do not lewd at me if you are under 18. Do not flirt with me if you are under 21.

Profile picture is just a picrew generated image of me I liked, with glasses, fox ears, fangs, long hair, and fair-ish skin. I forgot which one I used.

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