Abhinav abnv@soc.abnv.me

Open on soc.abnv.me

Abhinav ❌ @abnv@fantastic.earth

Programming languages aficionado, occasional runner, quantified-self enthusiast, and fervent napper. Works as senior software engineer at Google.

If you want to follow me, please make sure your profile has some info that helps me learn about you.

JT Olio @jt@m.olio.lol

Chief Architect at Storj Labs (previously CTO, previously VP of Eng). He/him. 🏳️‍🌈

My #introduction thread: https://hachyderm.io/@jtolio/109296699690718944

Also currently at https://bsky.app/profile/jtolio.bsky.social and https://threads.net/@jtolio

#climateemergency 🌎🔥

Zumi | nki @nki@gts.dtth.ch

Some PL PhD student in some land of cheese and train.
I repost a lot of Touhou ;D

Profile picture: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109479344 (artist is nsfw)
Banner: https://misskey.io/notes/9i5nss02fr (artist is WHOLESOME)

abnv @abnv@functional.cafe

JT Olio 🏳️‍🌈 @jtolio@hachyderm.io

Chief Architect at Storj Labs (previously CTO, previously VP of Eng), He/him

My #introduction thread: https://hachyderm.io/@jtolio/109296699690718944

Formerly at https://mastodon.social/@jtolds

Grandfunk :nixos: @grandfunk@fosstodon.org

FOSS enthusiast, leftist, husband and parent. Working in data management and learning programming. #RVA