Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



✨ 1960s-70s, music, movies, counterculture, veganism, classic books, free software, DIY, Japan, Greece, Ancient Mediterranean.

“This isn’t even my final form”

Expect unsolicited music recs and random posts. Mostly in English, sometimes in Spanish. 🎩

[Re: Following]
• I accept/decline follow requests a bit randomly, don’t be mad. 🙇
• Sorry if I don’t follow back, I just need my timeline to be light. 🙇
• Zero/minimal interaction may result in being kicked and/or unfollowed. 🤷‍

Joseph Nuthalapati :fbx:

Idealist, technologist and general optimist.

Admin of

#Privacy #FreeSoftware #FreedomBox #SelfHosting #nobot

Dave Naylor

Lancastrian in Leeds. This is an account on my own little instance running GoToSocial.

Lots of eclectic interests. Mostly techy but I watch a fair old bit of Rugby League and Cricket, listen to loads of music and make lots of curries.

fire safety engineer, triathlete, vegan /
potential FOSS engineer, possible engine developer, feasible world sailor, future world ruler

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Hacker, activist, free-softie ◈ information security at ◈ formerly at ◈ my opinions are my own etc.


#foss #libre #privacy #infosec #fedi22

. ۬. :

(public toots CC By-SA if applicable)

🇪🇺 🇵🇱 · 🇧🇦 🇮🇸 · 🇺🇦 :flag_wbw:


I'm a socialist and a feminist with strong interests in linguistics, history, society, technology, story-telling and game design. Politics account at @jayeless. Auxlangs account at @jayeless 😃

Rí Rua

A Gael, a Teuchter but no fae Balinaheuchter.
I write typos and tragedies.
Arrived on Fediverse on Jan 21, 2020.

None of my views are my own.

Toots >1 year old are ♻️

Rí Rua

A Gael, a Teuchter but no fae Balinaheuchter.
I write typos and tragedies.

None of my views are my own.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Gàidhealtachd, Alba.

Toots >1 year old are ♻️



FOSS person. #Gamedev for the #ZXSpectrum, #Amstrad CPC, #Commodore64, #MSX and other shiny things.

Also #Scala, #C, #Python and #haskell, and some (retro) gaming.

Not made of actual Lego.

Toots have TTL.

Moved to @reidrac

Kolokoko Bird!

Some things I like: #dogs #books #reading #information #history #privacy #outdoors #hiking #wildswimming #kettlebells #OpenStreetMap #learning #studying #science #coffee, #lowcarb food, #gardening, #FOSS, #RSS #fedi22.

I’m here because I want to learn things and connect with people.

Wondering about my username? In a story by Kipling, Kolokoko Bird advised Elephant’s Child to go find out for himself. I like that sentiment. I am always trying to find stuff out.


Proud father. Seeker of knowledge. Builder of software. Catcher of light. Soul surfer. Star dust.

Interested in all things computer and software, especially looking into making it all smaller & simpler, self-hosting, disconnecting from the walled gardens and surveillance capitalism.

Very interested in digital arts and working up the courage & knowledge to maybe create something myself..