Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.


MOULE :RainbowLogo:

"The best kind of chaos" - @browren

I (he / him) am an #ActuallyAutistic #artist soundtracking the :MW: MOULE WORLD and the #cartoon animal characters in it with multigenre #ElectronicMusic!

"MOULE" is pronounced either "MOOL" or "MOOLY" (I don't mind which!).

Check out my debut album #EnjoyTheRide out everywhere:

#MOULEWORLD #EDM #Music #Hardcore #Creative #Cartoonist #Art #Asstodon #Singularity #fedi22


amateur, copywriter

Shufei 👩🏽‍🌾

Smolnet yokel, muggle scriptkiddie, your eccentric aunty.
I live a hairshirt solarspinster life - like a mediaeval eremetic, but with more amperes …and less discipline.

Alastair M. D. Touw

Dilettante programmer, salaryman webmaster. 不本意な日本語話者. 🌾⚙️

📷 Recently I’m rekindling an interest in photography.

Stevie Lancaster

I run #plan9 #9front servers, I love the #smolweb like #gopher and #finger.
The true and only #slackware linux will never deceive me.
And it all is held together by a #thinclient or more #thinclients

#plan9, #gopher, #slackware


he/they/any; en/de/es; charset=utf8;

Aspiring software archaeologist enthralled by Plan 9 and its siblings.

Booting 9front & Debian on the MNT Reform 2.

Paid to do infosec.

== Commentary
"henesy; 9FPD, missing source division" -taw

"henesy is a highly evolved virus" -rodri

"sean was definitely not an intellectual" -ptm

== Links

Mike Burns

Software dev at thoughtbot • Ruby, Rust, C, sh, Kotlin, security • he/him, xennial, NYC/Squamish •
Professional: @mburns • Non-professional: @mikeburns • Outside: @mikegoesout


indigenous canadian, recovering academic → game dev → interactive media artist with a penchant for dial-up modems, the 4o3 bbs scene, 1-bit art, trackers/mods, classic macs, and 80s and 90s gaming. curator of internet, canadian & gaming obscura.

current major project: tomo, a decentralized discussion group network that's better than reddit

#nobot #nobots #noindex
(profile pic image description: a low resolution pixel art interpretation of Denver, The Last Dinosaur)


perpetually waiting for the Muppets to do Jane Eyre


Rural Hacker, he/him

Free Software/NixOS/Guix/Haskell/Rust/C | Cycling/Bird Spotting/Music/Trains

Boost != Endorsement


Arnout Engelen
Independent #OpenSource developer from 🇳🇱
@nixos_org | @reproducible_builds | @notion

Organized @mch2022camp
Hackerspace @hack42
Volunteer at Museum @EICAS

Ex-#akka team at #lightbend

Available for #OpenSource contracts next to my part-time engagement as Security Response Program Manager for #Apache

a very weeny construct

I make software.
AGPL3+ forever but not an rms fan.
I love my craft; I hate my industry.
40, cis, married, atheist, dad. xe/xem/xyr.
:BlobhajPrideHeart:​:BlobhajTransPrideHeart:​ trans rights