Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



Big passion for biology and ecology
I am especially a botany enjoyer!
Other hobbies include: foraging, cartoons, eating plants, permaculture, cycling.
I am a first year student of biology and halfly also of geology :bee2: :heart_ace: :genderqueer_flag:

Amin Mesbah

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs


I'm not ready for this.


#nobot #gardener ex #mefite

If you know me professionally, follow me @scisus

Sören [he/him]

ESTJ-A - DE/EN - carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero (Header by @dysonlogos)

Elias Mårtenson

Lisp, Emacs, APL and a bunch of other stuff.

From Sweden, living in Singapore.

I always work on a bunch of projects. My current major ones are:

A graphical frontend to Maxima:

KAP: An APL-based programming language:

#lisp #commonlisp #apl #retrocomputing #linux #kap #climaxima #emacs #atari #fedi22

Ed Davies

Programmer who likes science/astronomy, etc, but is focusing for now on the construction of an off-grid house.

#yes #stopBurningStuff

#nobot #noindex


Human. Tickler of computers. Father of dudes.

#birds #cycling #emacs #graphicnovels #guix #movies #lisp #scifi

Emmanuel Wald

Father and husband. Trainee pastor in Alsace, France. PhD in Protestant theology and history of medieval Christianity.

Toot about religion(s), ethics, society, ecology, FLOSS, RPGs & DnD, SmolWeb, … mostly in French, but also occasionally in English and Esperanto.

Racism, homophobia, transphobia, chauvinism, hate, … have no place in my feed.

Lew Perin

Accepting bitterness is the leap of faith in the religion of tea.
#fedi22 #tea

Somnius :server_tiger:

Server tiger for Questions about the instance? Contact me at hello(at)

Achromatic, audiophile, polyglot, coder, indie & rhythm gamer. Any pronouns. A blend of positivity and nihilism.


I run

exploring new realms of computing

༒ ɐɥɔǝʇɐɯ ʍǝɹpuɐ ༒

writing a lot of code and dabbling with all sorts of tech; music/audio, electronics, photography, 3d art/modeling, amateur radio… I am interested in pretty much everything

(I will accept almost anyone as follower, just have locked to prevent bots/spam/etc. … request away!)


trans rights are human rights