Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



#opensource, development of people and software, webdeveloper, #ict4d, linux, ubuntu, geek, travels, opendata, security, privacy, pgp, rapid response @greenhost started here in april 2017 as


Code Wrangler; Film Buff; Nerd²; 🖖🍃

Trap lightning in very flat sand.
Trick lightning into doing maths.


Assistant professor interested in creative coordination and sustainable software. Works at networked crossroads. This is a personal account - views &c. Post and visit infrequently.

Olly Smith

Software engineer, tinkerer, old car enthusiast.
Creator of


Doing public research in France.

Using Emacs. What else ?

#emacs #opensource #unix #linux #guix #orgmode


artist, educator, programmer, learner, traveler, eater, biker, reader, writer, musician.

I only accept follow requests from people who have their own posts, an avatar and bio.


Lisper/Schemer, CAD software developer, Integrated Circuit metaprogrammer, dependent types enthousiast.

Programming should be more accessible. Electronic AF.

I post music stuff too, mostly Irish Trad, but not exclusively. And food, mostly Italian, but not exclusively. Marbh le tae agus marbh gan é: tea posting too.

English, Français, Deutsch. Un po d'italiano. Labhraím Gaeilge. He/him. France

Rémi Letot

Informaticien le jour, papa toujours, musicien à mes heures perdues, réinventeur du monde le reste du temps, le tout en aimant la nature. Pfiew.

Bryan Fink

🧠💭Oh! How does THAT work?

(Currently experimenting with a new account at @bryan)

Profile pic alt-text: Me (salt & pepper bearded man) wearing a grey jacket and a black stocking cap. I'm looking up at the camera. Snow covers the background behind me.

Header image alt-text: End view of a stack of rough-cut lumber. Some pieces are thicker than others. Some ends are painted red, while others are painted a dusty green.


💭 storyteller / comic creator / maker living on the lands of First Nations and Indigenous People in 'Canada'

This account is personal life/creativity-focused. Feel free to respond to toots respectfully, follow or unfollow, etc. 👊

#HWAcomic is my webcomic
NO NFTs and AI art

My nerd yelling account is

#nobot #nosearch some toots auto-delete