ghose GtoS

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Amics per sempre!!

Admin here 🦥 (GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons)

GL | EN | ES

aka @ghose


Dani Rutas

John Doe

Nada, en realidad vengo por aquí por temporadas.

No soy un tipo muy alegre y soy medio tímido, pero soy majísimo.

Sé hacer el cubo de rubik y malabares con cinco pelotas, eso también.

ghose 📸

📸 CC BY-SA 4.0 - mobile device and fujiX camera - outdoors, nature, run, ride, ... - manual prime lenses / openpgp4fpr:7573E5F6FC3BCF19EA11D46507A0A77E08D5B680 🗺️📍Galicia (Spain)

Lore • of Scadrial

(They/Them) • Mindfulness & Self Acceptance Coach • Spouse • Poet • Storyteller • Myth and folklore • Forgotten Gods • Alchemical Psychology • Pantheist • Multi fandom • Non-Binary • grey-pan • soooo queer • Gen X

* I support the rights and voices of all people especially; POC, LGBTQIA+, Sex Workers, & Women.*

*No flirting, please.*
Avatar is me with long hair and a trimmed greying beard. My head is cocked to the side and crookedly smiling.
Header is an photo of Shohreh Agdashloo an elegant and powerful woman with light brown skin wearing a black and white dress.

Roman 🇺🇦

Lives in Kyiv, #Ukraine 🇺🇦
Into #running, #scenictrails 🏃🏻
Technology leadership, management. 👨‍💼
Labrador owner. #dogsofmastadon 🐕
Love cooking. 🍖


Italian living in France.
Fitness and opensource lover.
I don't own a car since 2009.
Married. Mom of 2 unstoppable boys.
K-drama addict, occasional juggler and tea drinker.

#hookii #fitness #crossfit #opensource #hookiifit #healthyrecipes #fedi22 #workoutoftheday #fitodon #running #mastodonfit #kdrama #tea #juggling


Asociación ecopacifista galega sen ánimo de lucro, plural, democrática, apartidaria e independente. Naceu 2 de Abril de 2006 co obxecto de contribuír desde Galiza para a defensa do ambiente e o avanzo na transformación social e mundial en termos de sustentabilidade ecolóxica, xustiza social e paz, na procura dunha saída emancipatoria á crise ecolóxica global.


Barefoot running, Triathlon, bikes! (In that order actually). Into general nerd stuff as well (think obscure uses for plaintext, board/card/tabletop games, iOS Shortcuts and Linux).

Vegan btw.

All the photo’s I’m posting are by me (even the bad ones!) Retoots not so much.


Fillo de Rafael e de Olimpia. Neto de María, Élida e Manuel.
Procrastinador e disperso. Curiosidade por todo, non sei de nada. Os últimos quince anos foron de interese pola ciencia e a natureza. Astronomía, Agrupacionio. Da física á orixe da vida e a bioloxía. Páxaros da man de @ASandovalRey@twitter. Naturalismo con Grupo Hábitat. Plantas e biotecnoloxía con Agricultura con José Cubero. Filosofía da ciencia con Antonio Diéguez. Todo regado con libros, demasiados na pila.

Dyfrig Williams

Cymraeg! He / Him. Music fan. Cyclist. Scarlet. Work for Research in Practice. Views mine / Barn fi.


My dog’s name is Evie.
Training for a 10K ☑️ and 1/2 Marathon. #running #peloton #dogsofmastodon