ghose GtoS

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Amics per sempre!!

Admin here 🦥 (GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons)

GL | EN | ES

aka @ghose


O Trieito

sen comunidade non somos nada
As veces (case sempre)doulle demasiadas voltas as cousas e escribo de mais
As veces tooteo? Cousas aleatorias que me parecen curiosas


Blinding you with #science (and #music)

Avatar: Hazy pic of me covering my eyes
Header: Cloud shaped like a double helix



I like talking to people about the things that interest them. People are interesting! I pick up heavy things and put them back down, and I run when no one is chasing me. Love #books, #knitting, #outdoors, #weightlifting, #running and #baking.

Happy to shout virtual moral support in your direction.

Header: a road sign leaning by a tired looking wooden fence in the middle of a hay field.
Profile: assorted stickers on a metal surface

Rí Rua

A Gael, a Teuchter but no fae Balinaheuchter.
I write typos and tragedies.
Arrived on Fediverse on Jan 21, 2020.

None of my views are my own.

Toots >1 year old are ♻️

Jesse Saenz

Father. Husband. Retired USA. I want to help create a better place. Take care of yourself and each other, we’re all in this together.

Pronouns: he/him
Interests: #cycling | #peloton | #football | #tennis | #f1 | #tottenhamhotspur | #coys | #vfbstuttgart | #charlottefc | #DoctorWho | #LordOfTheRings | #Monsterdon

O Galdo

Estou aqui para conversar de maneira distendida, de muitas cousas que me interessam.

Estou vivendo em Cedeira, mas nasci em Ferrol, e durante uns anos aprendi a ser um pouco chairego.

Atendo em galego (português), también en castellano and also in English. Também consigo entender outras línguas romances.

Conta alternativa 👉 pcgaldo em

Eliminação automática de publicações de mais de 3 meses.


Adrián Perales (Gadi)

Profesor de Lengua Castellana y Literatura con la tiza en una mano y una tablet en la otra. Hablo sobre todo de educación, cultura y tecnología.

Juanjo Salvador

Python & Django backend developer.
Not-so-skilled photographer.
Debian & @gnome lover.

c/Django mod at

Also likes anime, sci-fi, beer and mexican food, and not always talk about himself using the third person form.

#python #django #steamdeck #cybersecurity


Back from the dead!

I'm from the 70s. I like going off trail. I'm married. I'm a Buddhist of the generic Mahayana variety some Chan some Zen. I have ancestors from Puerto Rico but I'm not Hispanic. I have ancestors from the Seneca nation but I'm not indigenous. I have ancestors from Ireland and France but I'm not European. I've never been to the place I was born. The borderlands are my home.

Rí Rua

A Gael, a Teuchter but no fae Balinaheuchter.
I write typos and tragedies.

None of my views are my own.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Gàidhealtachd, Alba.

Toots >1 year old are ♻️



I run. 🏃
Run with me:
Follow me:
@ Hubzilla
@ PixelFed

#laufen #running #fedi22 #tattoo #nomad #music #ultrarunning #barefoot


Diletante de la subcultura, paladín de la verdad ociosa, ciclista impenitente y descreído militante.