ghose GtoS

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Amics per sempre!!

Admin here 🦥 (GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons)

GL | EN | ES

aka @ghose



Remote-working elf 👩‍💻☕;
was The Cruising Shutterbug 📸;
now a #TurtleOn2Wheels. 🚴

Joined Aug 2018; moved to Apr 2020 for a short time till it went away; moved to Nov 2020 till it went down unexpectedly Sep 2021.

Now virtually residing in my own instance. 😃 #nobot



Teacher and learner in a process of permanent deconstruction and figuring out.
Queer. Wondering what means exactly to be nonbinary at 50.
Intersectional feminist, anti-racist. Police is no good. Anticapitalist, but trapped by capitalist forces.
The world needs to change, I do what I can in my square meter.
Profile picture: me, taking a pic. Header: the wall with ferns I was photographing when my profile pic was taken.
I laugh a lot.


AKA Zenkiuberimach

Creature Of The Hill :autism: :anartrans_symbol:

Come to realise there are several distinct souls living in this corporeal form. A plural system, currently composed of five of us, anyone else turns up, they get to sort everything while the rest of us take a break for a bit.

Artist, wanderer, fixer, maker, activist, trans..
Always a creature of the hill.


Located in the North of Scotland
Old enough to probably know better

Actually autistic, and now suitably acknowledged/pathologised by the NHS.

Simon Anna


Bibliotecas 📚 Archivos 🗂️ Running 🏃‍♂️ Fotografía 📸 Arte digital 🤳🖼️
Una gallega 🤍💙 en Euskadi 💚

No sin mi ☕

Ekaitz Zárraga 👹

Engineer. Creator.


I made this once:

Marcos Taracido

Profesor. Escribe. Todo é ficción.
Textos e obras en
Cofundou e dirixiu

Germán Vidal 🚀🚀🚀

Profe de informática (VRAIN/UPV). Aquí hablo de fotografía –las fotos que publico son mías salvo que indique lo contrario–, humor, ciencia, libros, pelis, viajes, ciencia ficción, política (de izquierdas, por cierto), etc. Un proyecto para el futuro: escribir una novela de ciencia-ficción...

Si solo te interesa el tema profesional (informática, IA, lenguajes de programación, etc), tengo otra cuenta (en inglés):

Correr en Galicia

conta ligada á comunidade Correr en Galicia .org/.com

Ben Gunn ☠️🦜🎬📚🐧:debian:

“Por lo que hace á tí Benjamín Gunn, me dijeron al partir, aquí tienes un mosquete, un pico y una azada: quédate aquí y encuentra para tí solo el tesoro del Capitán Flint!”

#nobot #noindex #noarchive #TheHispaniola

Los toot se borran mágicamente a los 15 días, notificaciones desactivadas :-)

Si ves que menciono un toot tuyo en vez de hacer boost tal vez sea porque no has etiquetado #alt las imágenes, cero ganas de protagonismo ;-)