Julian j_r@social.jugendhacker.de

Open on social.jugendhacker.de



Verfassungklage @Verfassungklage@mastodon.social

Gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung den Staatstrojaner und Überwachung der Bürger. #FOSS, #Linuxuser, #Openstreetmap,

BenBen @BenBen@chaos.social

I'm quite bad at self-marketing.

Chadybara :chadybara: :gigachad1: @CHADYbara@marsey.club

:gigachad1: :gigachad1: :gigachad1:

I am a super chad

I only post Capybaras.............

:cia: I GLOW IN THE DARK :cianig:

JP: フォローしてくれてありがとう.... フォローしてくれてありがとう。 カピバラだけ載せます

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥 @schmittlauch@toot.matereal.eu

brave and stupid enough to run his own instance.
interested in tech, FLOSS, (net)politics.
pron.: he/him
"Blockchain"/ crypto currency hate account
kriegt Geld fürs Nix tun

183231bcb@mstdn.social @183231bcb@mstdn.social

Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a queer mathematician. I'm also a webcomic and musical theater enthusiast. I am AroAce Trans and Enby.

0hlov3 @0hlov3@gts.fsociety.social

#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

Matrix: @0hlov3:fsociety.social
Pixelfed: @Ohlov3

#nobot #fedi22

Feel free to follow request.

0hlov3 @0hlov3@chaos.social

#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

#nobot #fedi22

Tero Keski-Valkama @tero@rukii.net

A generalist and a technologist. #Software is my trade and #ArtificialIntelligence is my #science. I live in #Benalmádena, #Málaga, #Spain.
I post about #technology and #WorldNews.
40 years old
Pronouns: he/him
I am the admin of this tiny instance.
#DeepLearning, #IndustrialAnomalyDetection, #MachineIntelligence, #AI, #Linux, #Kubernetes, #RetroComputing, #Commodore64, #cats, #polyamory, #panpsychism, #atheism, #anarchism, #leftist, #AnarchoCommunism, #robotics, #OpenSource, #fedi22, #tfr

183231bcb @183231bcb@calckey.lgbt

New instance, new profile!
Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a
#queer #mathematician. I'm also a #webcomic and #musical theater enthusiast. I am #AroAce #Trans and #Enby.

Description of avatar: A four by four grid of colored squares, purple, gray, pink, and green.

Original text and images I post here are public domain unless otherwise stated. Anything I share that I didn't write or draw probably isn't.
My old account:
@183231bcb@mstdn.social (2020-08-29 to 2023-06-17)

#LGBTQAI #StephenSondheim #WebComics #MusicalTheater #PandorasTaleWiki #Cats #Math #Teaching

183231bcb @183231bcb@firefish.lgbt

New instance, new profile!
Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a
#queer #mathematician. I'm also a #webcomic and #musical theater enthusiast. I am #AroAce #Trans and #Enby.

Description of avatar: A four by four grid of colored squares, purple, gray, pink, and green.

Original text and images I post here are public domain unless otherwise stated. Anything I share that I didn't write or draw probably isn't.

My old accounts:
@183231bcb@calckey.lgbt (2023-05-29 to 2023-07-20)
@183231bcb@mstdn.social (2020-08-29 to 2023-06-17)
#LGBTQAI #StephenSondheim #WebComics #MusicalTheater #PandorasTaleWiki #Cats #Math #Teaching #Asexual #Aromantic #Trans #Nonbinary #fedi22