💯% BꞮG DΣMӨП ΣПΣЯGY™ jahtnamas@queer.party

Open on queer.party

🔞 sam, 32, ♈☀️♑🌙♐⏫, sie/hir+they/them, salmacian genderqueer demon and future bigenital androgyne, adhd+autistic, (invisibly) disabled, polyam-curious, eco-anarchist socialist, linux user, romantic satanist, daemonolator #HailGaySatan #NoGodsNoMasters #ACAB

see links for more info, icon art by @saardraws@twitter.com (NSFW)

please ask before :xp:-ing my 🔓 unlisted posts.


goto: blackle @suricrasia@lethargic.talkative.fish

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its