keschi + cache :blobCat_in_box:

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Feel free to send follow requests. They are enabled as a safety precaution.

I am:
- kescher. keschi. Jeremy. / cache.
- a software developer / sysadmin
- fluent in German (native) and English
- a catenby :nonbinary_flag: :androgyne_flag:​
(Adult Human Cat)
- demiromantic, -sexual :demiromantic_heart: :demisexual_heart:
- panromantic, -sexual :pan_spec_heart:
- white
- using Arch, btw :arch_linux:

All public or unlisted posts on this profile may be cited, embedded, boosted :boost_ok:, or otherwise shared freely if not explicitly disallowed. This permission is revoked if the intent is for me to be harassed.

I will mostly avoid boosting images without description, except when they are fully described in the post itself. Captioning in a reply does not help as much.

Alt text for my avatar: A landing net, surrounded by seasonal themed object (currently two pumpkins in the top left and bottom right). In the background, rainbow pride and all my other pride flags are cycled.

Alt text for my header: my legs, with black and white striped thigh highs on, put up on my desk, where my backlit keyboard, my two displays and a speaker can be seen.

All opinions are those of my employer and boosts are endorsements and financial advice



goto: blackle

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its