Ophidia ophidia@coop.lol

Open on coop.lol

Me in three hearts [like a cephalopod!]​:
:nonbinary_heart:​ :heart_transgender: :heart_pan:​
Nonbinary trans-feminine person. Still learning new things about myself.

My interests tend to shift; science, technology, anime, and gaming are the most constant. Sometimes I do pixel art for fun (I am a beginner, though). I studied biomedical engineering and neuroscience​.

Death Metal, Hardcore Punk, J-Rock, Vocaloid, and others.

Fav. animals:
Orcas, Cephalopods, Mantises, Moths, Snakes, Goats​, Rabbits, and deep-sea creatures in general. Honestly, I love all animals.

Random facts:
>​ No, humans do NOT only use 10% of their brains; that's just wrong. [I hate this myth.]
> The Orca genus Orcinus means 'from the kingdom of the dead.' Orca itself is Latin, meaning 'a kind of whale.' The full name Orcinus Orca can be translated as 'whales of the underworld. [Sick!]
>​ Blobfish deform through the pressure change by pulling them out of the deep sea. So no, they do not look like pink squishy mush when alive. [That's your body horror fact of the day.]

💜​ Jules ❤️​
