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I'm just a person sharing their thoughts. All toots are my own.



Ben Werdmuller

I blog at Also writing a novel.

Some things I've done in the past:

- Was CTO at
- Co-founded Elgg and Known
- Taught design thinking and invested in mission-driven startups at Matter
- Built software at Medium

#indieweb #opensource #journalism #writing #fiction #blogs #blogging #startups #openweb #web #elgg #withknown #fediverse #socialweb #ethics #product #writingcommunity #philadelphia #sanfrancisco


Bioinformatics, knitting, Star Trek

Krister Axel

You might know me from where I cover indie music and publish creative writing as The CHILLFILTR Review.

I live in upstate NY with my wife, my dog, 2 kids and ten chickens.

I work as a Senior Technical Architect (Sensei) for


Clive Thompson

Writer, musician/songwriter, hobbyist coder. Contributing writer to New York Times Magazine and Wired. Author of "Coders". Blogging at, archive of writing at #science #technology #coding #software #writing #literature #poetry


admin of my tiny instance. This sucker runs totally on a Raspberry Pi 4. The database and Mastodon data live on the NAS and email on it was just left hanging. I'm a terrible admin, I guess. At least it's now backing up to the magic cloud. No, you can't have an invite, I don't want that much responsibility. My OG account is on @unclemarc - you can follow me there as well if you like.

In Real Life, I manage a team of Technical Account Managers at #RedHat.


Danish. Likes privacy, linux, #rstats and political science. Hope to find Danish peeps using #dkpol hastag. Profile pic is actually me :-/ (ps. toots autodelete after a fortnight.)
I try not to be a jerk.

Micah Walter

I write about how I rebooted my career, rewired my brain, and found happiness in suburbia. | Solutions Architecture @ Amazon Web Services | Things my 3yo said. | Views and photos my own.

Hobson Lane

FOSS and prosocial AI fanatic.

Trying to build AI (virtual assistants) that trully assist rather than manipulate us.

Aspire to practical utilitarianism - greatest good for the greatest number for the longest possible amount of time.

But I'm disillusioned by the longtermism movement when billionaires and their academic cronies focus on legacy, or animal welfare, or imagined future suffering. Those with privilege and power must acknowledge our uncertainty and support those in need now.
