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Allies don't typically use pejorative language against those with whom they profess to be allied. -Me (during an online argument.)

* Automated post deletion currently: disabled.

TL;DR: I'm a mess.

I have physical and mental disabilities which are the topics of most of my posts. Particularly, my mental disabilities when I'm experiencing acute episodes.

∙Borderline Personality Disorder
∙Major Depressive Disorder
∙Physical Disability (448259700)
∙Profoundly Lonely
∙Social Media Maladroit™
∙Ⓥ as in "Vegan, but not one of those pushy douchebag vegans."
∙venmo: @amjnw
∙I crack me up

Header image: photo of a book dedication page that reads, "To Richard O'Brien
It's just a jump to the left--"
