goto: blackle

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I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its


Perfectly Spherical Trixe

honse whomst makes boomer shooters in spare time. on a journey to become completely unmarketable. cyberpunk is real, but only the shitty parts.


Cyborg Medusa

Big cringe energy | Team Biji Biji | she/her | 💪🏾 ❤️💛💚بژی بەرگریی کوردستان


Programer socks? style
Gender? goals
Keyboard? dreaming
Pronouns? any/yours 😉

I have a penchant for accidentally vaporizing my instance 😭

(Header image desc: faded digital artwork of an eclectic collection of clockwork gears)


I develop software with Haskell and Nix, and I'm interested in anarchism, labor rights, queer liberation, piracy, mathematics, state dismantling, neurodiversity, video games, and TV shows.


sysadmin by day, event tech at night. enjoys playing with audio/video/lighting and electronics.

No relation to the Hadron cannon you can see on the moon for one week every month.

Feel free to send a follow request!

Eventphone/EPVPN: 6440 [NHG0]

:nb_flag: :transgender_flag: :pan_flag:

viv ⭐

⭐ computer goblin, maker, breadth-first. she/her
⭐ software engineer @ microsoft (toots/opinions/etc are my own)
⭐ 💜 @itsonlythee
⭐ co-author of @StarHill and author of
⭐ on cohost if that's your jam
⭐ also @viv


pronounced Mastodon als wäre er ein Dino mit vorspringendem Oberkiefer.
Hat mehr Folgys auf Maftodon als Followys auf Twidder.

living in hell

nonbinary bisexual little guy • white, non-dis_abled • likes dnb, programming and video games • doesn't like the world outside


Inclusion, against-isms, FOSS, decentralisation, self-hosting, privacy, diy, art, and other things. The occaisonal meme, shower thought, or silly post.

Please check my recent posts to get an idea of the stuff I post about.

Mental health matters. Take care of yourself.

SFW, will CW. they/them, he/him is okay.

Always up for a chat! :)

I strive to be mindful and empathic, but I may not always succeed. If I mess up, please tell me and allow me to learn.

luna vivian „delete & redraft“.

hi, i'm luna. (you can also call me vivian (or vivi, in short)! c:)

i am:
- 18 years old
- a gay (grey?)ace non-binary transfem genderfluid mess
- socially awkward
- definitely not neurotypical (maybe having autism and/or ADHD, nothing's diagnosed yet)
- an extremely shy extrovert
- an editor for @USN c:
- a proud owner of a ThinkPad x230
- an :arch_linux:​ Arch user, btw
- :antifacist_action:​ antifascist and :anarcho_punk: anarchist

before following me, please make sure you have set a profile picture, filled out your bio at least a bit more than usual, or at least that you have your pronouns in your bio (or "profile metadata") ^^

birdsite sucks btw

picrew creators I used for my pfp:
old pfp:
new pfp:


quotes and reviews from friends:
"luna apparently has only 2 moods, suicidal and horny" ~@gumo
"appears on my TL from time to time. Based content. Fries were also fine. would recommend" ~@hergorntv
"kann man nicht meckern" ~@deluisa
"best person in the fediverse" ~@Emma


24 | nonbinary | any pronouns | aroflux bisexual | autistic