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I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its


viv ⭐

⭐ computer goblin, maker, breadth-first. she/her
⭐ software engineer @ microsoft (toots/opinions/etc are my own)
⭐ 💜 @itsonlythee
⭐ co-author of @StarHill and author of
⭐ on cohost if that's your jam
⭐ also @viv


pronounced Mastodon als wäre er ein Dino mit vorspringendem Oberkiefer.
Hat mehr Folgys auf Maftodon als Followys auf Twidder.

living in hell

nonbinary bisexual little guy • white, non-dis_abled • likes dnb, programming and video games • doesn't like the world outside


Inclusion, against-isms, FOSS, decentralisation, self-hosting, privacy, diy, art, and other things. The occaisonal meme, shower thought, or silly post.

Please check my recent posts to get an idea of the stuff I post about.

Mental health matters. Take care of yourself.

SFW, will CW. they/them, he/him is okay.

Always up for a chat! :)

I strive to be mindful and empathic, but I may not always succeed. If I mess up, please tell me and allow me to learn.

linear cannon

some girl who writes code sometimes
i live in the midwest and do tech things
i like old computers and weird operating systems and writing emulators
i have many girlfriends
sometimes i make music as 'ersatz waterfall'
consumerism is destructive


superhero of saladcore

follow reqs OK but please at least have some posts or interactions!!

he : him


Tyrone Slothrop

Bumbling through the technosphere. Easily amused.

Messing around with #FOSS, baking #bread, paddling a whitewater #kayak, and #parenting a herd of kids . Sometimes I manage a Hello World without syntax errors in #python.

Professionally, I help to build and run #trains with software and IT stuff.

Middle-aged cishet white guy, trying not to be an asshole about it. Please let me know if I get it wrong.

Toots auto-delete after 1 month.


Student (in general and specific), nerd (in general and specific). Far too many interests.

Claire 0.1.85+ (rolling release)

Mastodon developer, glitch-soc maintainer, software tinkerer

I love video games but I never have enough time to finish them

I'm very picky about follow requests (if we haven't interacted or I don't follow you, please don't send one)


Rat Goddess of Vengeance

DM when following (if it's not a follow-back or we're mutuals elsewhere) so I know you read my bio <3

:flag_pansexual:​ :transgender_flag:​​ :anarchist_flag:​

I love rats and trees; and I write poetry, fiction, and code sometimes.

"im going to obliterate u friend" - @dragon

💜 @TakeV